Pose Name Sanskrit Name Level Targets
Garland pose Mālāsana Beginner Opens the hips and groin

What is Garland pose?

Mālāsana or garland pose is kind of squatting āsanas in hatha yoga and modern yoga as an exercise. Traditionally, and in B. K. S. Iyengar's Light on Yoga, mālāsana, or Garland Pose, is used for a different squatting pose with the feet together and the back rounded with multiple hand placement variations. You can stay at this pose from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

How to do Garland Pose

Come out from the pose: With an inhale, straighten the knees, and stand.

Contraindications and Precautions
Avoid this pose if have Knee injuries
You can sit on a yoga block.
Stretches the ankles, groins and back torso.
Tones the belly.

Tips for beginners:

If squatting is difficult, sit on the front edge of a chair seat or a yoga block, thighs forming a right angle to your torso, heels on the floor slightly ahead of your knees. Lean your torso forward between the thighs.

Preparatory Poses:
pose Name sunskrit
Child-pose-icone Bound Angle Pose Baddha Konasana
Child-pose-icone wide-angle seated forward bend Pose Upavistha Konasana
Child-pose-icone Hero Pose Virasana
Follow-up Poses:
pose Name sunskrit
Child-pose-icone Standing Forward Bend Pose Uttanasana
Child-pose-icone Downward-Facing Dog Pose Adho Mukha Svanasana
Child-pose-icone Cobra Pose Bhujangasana